Web Design
Do you desire to set up a professional website for yourself, your company or your business?
We can help you set up a good and very efficient one.
Search Engine Marketing
With our novel MuPSERD (Multiple-blog Publishing for Search Engine Results Dominance) service, you can publish promotional articles in a number of high-traffic blogs, websites or magazines that rank well on Google search engine.
This gives you the ability to have your brand appear several times on Google search results whenever a related keyword is searched, thereby helping you dominate Google search results and giving you serious edge over competitors in your industry.
This is organic marketing and has nothing to do with paid ads to search engines.
Initial publishing per article: $400
Monthly maintenance per article: $100
Consultancy, Research and Data Collection
Available Locations
Africa: Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa and Kenya.
America: United States
Asia: China, India.
Our web software is open for use, at an affordable fee, for individuals and corporate entities who run legitimate eCommerce businesses that meet our requirements.
For example, if you need to host online teaching sessions in any legal field of endeavor that requires booking by clients, you could simply use our website platform to do that. We may also be able to assist if you sell some physical or digital products on other platforms.
This saves you time and resources and enables you to channel your energy on what matters most – getting customers!
If you already have your website but still need to integrate into our system to use some of our services, including our payment gateway, we could provide you an API for such.